4 Signs That Your Company Website Needs to be Redesigned
Almost every business in Fort Collins, Boulder, Denver, or Loveland has a website, no matter how small or how big they are. The website is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to advertise your business, and at the very minimum, allows you to provide your customers and potential customers with information about your products and services, hours of your business and contact information. But your website should consist of a lot more if you are actually trying to market your brand online. You should be using your website to increase brand awareness and brand loyalty by using features such as SEO, blog content, forums and links to your social network pages. If you’ve noticed that your website isn’t having as big of an impact as you want it to, then you may need to invest in a redesign. The following are four signs that your company website needs to be redesigned:

Your Website isn’t User-friendly
One of the most important elements of a successful company website is functionality. If someone visits a website that isn’t user-friendly, odds are they’ll just leave and never return. There are a number of reasons why your website may not be user-friendly. How easy is it to navigate the different pages on your site? It should be easy to get to the blog page, the contact page and more. Visitors shouldn’t have to search for these links. If your website is poorly designed and has a poor layout, then visitors will get frustrated. Another thing to watch out for is the speed of your website. If it takes more than 4 seconds for your website to load, most visitors will leave before it finishes.
Your Company Website is too Basic
If you are preparing to implement an inbound marketing strategy in order to increase awareness of your brand, then you’ll want to integrate features such as a blog, e-commerce, forums for readers to share opinions on and more. In order to implement these features, you’ll need to redesign the website.

Your Website isn’t Mobile-friendly
Mobile penetration is at an all time high, and it’s only going to grow. Almost everyone with smart phone will go online on a daily basis. Soon, more people will be accessing the Internet via mobile devices than via computers. This is because computers restrict Internet access to the location of the computer, usually at home unless it’s a laptop. Mobile devices are carried around everywhere, meaning Internet access is almost never restricted. This also means that your website needs to be optimized for mobile-use. The screen on a mobile-device is much smaller than a computer screen, which means that if your website isn’t optimized properly, it will be incredibly hard to navigate on a mobile device. You’ll also want to consider implementing touch screen functions to make your site more mobile friendly as well.

You’re not Getting Results
Maybe your website is up to date, user-friendly and mobile-friendly, but you’re still not getting the results you want. In this case, you’ll want to turn to the many analytics tools that are available in order to study the data associated with your website. You’ll want to look at data that includes how many people visit your website on a daily basis and how many of those visitors turn into leads. Other data you’ll want to look into includes how successful your landing pages and call to actions are and whether the voice of your company website is appropriate for your brand. This data can tell you whether a website redesign is necessary and where you should focus your redesign efforts on.
If your company website shows any of these signs, then you’ll want to seriously consider investing in redesigning your website.

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